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Are You a Learner?

This blog post is significantly shorter than usual because I want us to make sure we really get this. We all want to be great leaders, and a great leader is a secure leader. A secure leader, one who listens to learn, creates a culture that is attractive and collaborative. John Maxwell offered these ten questions to self-assess whether you are a learner:

  1. Am I open to other people’s ideas?
  2. Do I listen more than I talk?
  3. Am I open to changing my opinion based on new information?
  4. Do I readily admit when I am wrong?
  5. Do I observe before acting on a situation?
  6. Do I ask questions?
  7. Am I willing to ask a question that will expose my ignorance?
  8. Am I open to doing things in a way I haven’t done before?
  9. Am I willing to ask for directions?
  10. Do I act defensively when criticized, or do I listen openly for truth?

This is one area of building a healthy culture that might require a dose of humility and some new skills. If you think you might need help learning how to listen, I guarantee your team knows you do.

I encourage you to answer these ten questions honestly. Then ask your spouse or close coworker to also assess you on the same questions. Where do you differ? I would love to hear how those conversations went. Let me know in the comments.

Read more in Fairness is Overrated: And 51 Other Leadership Principles to Revolutionize Your Workplace